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Manuel Losada Rodríguez  

All -Tech Product Strategist

Functional Design Synthesizer

Velutina wasp trap

I’m excited to share with you a project that I have been working on recently. As a passionate individual concerned about the environment and the balance of our ecosystem, I have designed a solution to address a growing problem in Europe: the invasion of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina).

The Asian hornet is an invasive species in Europe, posing a threat to local ecosystems as native species lack natural defenses against it. In Asia, for example, honeybees have developed a unique method to eliminate these hornets by surrounding and overheating them, a behavior that European honeybees have not yet acquired. My project aims to mitigate the impact of this invasive species without harming other wildlife or causing unnecessary suffering.

To achieve this, I have created a 3D-printable trap for the Asian hornet that can be easily produced using any 3D printer. This design is based on the research and findings of other teams that have been working on similar traps. The trap itself is a 3D-printed structure that can be screwed onto a standard plastic bottle, such as a Coca-Cola bottle.

By placing an attractant inside the bottle, the hornets will be lured into the trap. Once they enter the trap, they will fall into the attractant and be unable to escape, ultimately dying as a result. It’s important to emphasize that this project’s goal is to minimize the impact of an invasive species on the local fauna and not to harm animals unnecessarily.

Currently, this project is in the field data collection phase. We are gathering information to better understand the efficiency of the trap and its impact on the environment. By sharing this project and raising awareness of the issue, I hope to contribute to a sustainable solution for the Asian hornet problem in Europe, protecting our precious ecosystems and native species.

Thank you for visiting my website, and please feel free to explore the other projects and ideas I am passionate about. Together, we can make a difference for our planet and future generations.

As the creator of this Asian hornet trap, I want to emphasize the importance of the attractant used in the trap to ensure its effectiveness while minimizing any potential harm to local wildlife. In this section, I will explain how the attractant works, its optimal composition, and the maintenance required to keep the trap efficient.

The ideal attractant for our Asian hornet trap should be highly effective in luring the invasive hornets while simultaneously repelling local animals and insects. After extensive research, I have discovered that certain mixtures of natural substances, such as fruit juices, fermented sugar syrups, and even some essential oils, can be used as effective attractants for the Asian hornet. These mixtures should be carefully formulated to target the hornet’s specific olfactory preferences while being less appealing to native species.

To ensure the attractant remains effective, it is important to perform regular maintenance. The attractant should be checked and replenished as needed, typically every few weeks or more frequently depending on environmental conditions and the number of hornets caught. Additionally, keeping the trap clean and free of debris will help maintain its efficiency.

While it is possible that other insects may be drawn to the attractant, the trap is designed to minimize this risk. The entrance of the trap is sized to allow only insects of a similar size to the Asian hornet to enter, and the trap’s design allows smaller insects that may inadvertently enter the opportunity to escape while the Asian hornet remains trapped. This feature not only protects native insects but also ensures the trap’s focus remains on the invasive species.

et the mixture ferment for a few days before adding it to the trap. This concoction will appeal to the Asian hornet’s sense of smell, drawing them into the trap, while remaining less attractive to other insects.

By using an effective attractant and performing regular maintenance, our trap can make a significant impact on controlling the invasive Asian hornet population while preserving the delicate balance of our local ecosystems. Thank you for your interest in this project, and together, we can make a positive difference for our environment.

The Attracant must be replaced every 2-3 weeks, deppneds on the temperatures.

Attractant 1:

IngredientQuantityAttraction to BeesRepelling Effect on BeesAttraction to Vespa velutina
Apple juice200 mlLowMediumHigh
White wine200 mlLowMediumHigh
Red wine vinegar50 mlLowMediumHigh
Sugar1 tbspLowMediumHigh
Cinnamon1/4 tspLowHighMedium
Thyme essential oil5 dropsLowHighMedium


Attractant 2:

IngredientQuantityAttraction to BeesRepelling Effect on BeesAttraction to Vespa velutina
Grape juice200 mlLowMediumMedium
Rice vinegar50 mlLowMediumMedium
Water100 mlLowLowMedium
Honey1 tbspMediumLowLow
Lavender essential oil5 dropsLowHighLow
Eucalyptus essential oil5 dropsLowHighLow


Attractant 3:

IngredientQuantityAttraction to BeesRepelling Effect on BeesAttraction to Vespa velutina
Orange juice200 mlLowMediumMedium
Apple cider vinegar50 mlLowMediumMedium
Water100 mlLowLowMedium
Sugar1 tbspLowMediumMedium
Lemongrass essential oil5 dropsLowHighLow
Peppermint essential oil5 dropsLowHighLow